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FS2004- Aerosoft AES
Games > PC
70 B

Jan 4, 2007

This file explaines how you can get free credits for Aerosoft Airport enhancement services. Very Easy to use.


Thanks old chap, much obliged. But good god man do SEED please!

Dr. Frikadel
Yes... such an easy thing to seed, too. For god's sake, seed on!
Indeed it's a pity, they should chop of his arms for not seeding...

Dr. Frikadel
Ack ack ack ack. 70 bytes to seed. Me thinks it would have been better simply to type them in here as a comment. :)
Sorry, something went wrong whit seeding. Good idea to type it as a comment.

Here it is :

Serial AES


N5466+1 = neue 10 Credits

Have fun
There are hundreds of working Serials...
Just put the numbers 00 to 99 where ?? is standing:

With this trick I have 990 credits now ôÔ
Any one has the new serials already?
eftel: are you saying that these serials no longer work with new version (1.2) released today?
Confirmed. If you install 1.20 over 1.10 (or 1.0) with these serials in place, AES won't start. If you uninstall AES and then install 1.20 fresh, you can use it for the free airports. But the serial in this package (and others derived from it) is blocked by Aerosoft.

This one works.

i've havant figured out how to change it, so that you get more credits.
Maybe someone will help?

Hi folks, for now i think we all have to share passwords for AES. Here's another one that works!


Please share yours!
Teamwork is great...

Thanks to eftelrobje, ready2taxi and my super-intelligence, you'll get flooded with serials now:


X=1, 2, 3 ...

Aerosoft you're going down
Hi, everyone!

Could someone share a working serial for AES 1.21?
Someone has key(s) for new v1.3?
Hi everyone!

Could anyone share a working serial for 1.3?
If it's impossible..., please share AES 1.2, I have serials for it, but it cannot be downloaded anymore from aerosoft web page.
Hello, each serial posted in here will no longer work in the next version than the one it was valid for. After install v1.30 we get the usual error... blablabla, and we will also have to insert 3 valid serials to get AES 1.30 back to work or else reinstall v1.20 and still works. I think Aerosoft won't have much clients now... if at anytime they really had! Here's what i think: There is people that spend lots of time creating addons for FS that are 2 times, or even 5 times better than this shit, like ISD project, Fly tampa Boston, LLBG available at avsim and we don't pay for them so i won't never buy another 1 credit muchless 3 serials! To crack this, it probably will take more time than to make this software but it deserves a cracking time. Someone!?
Hello, each serial posted in here will no longer work in the next version than the one it was valid for. After install v1.30 we get the usual error... blablabla, and we will also have to insert 3 valid serials to get AES 1.30 back to work or else reinstall v1.20 and still works. I think Aerosoft won't have much clients now... if at anytime they really had! Here's what i think: There is people that spend lots of time creating addons for FS that are 2 times, or even 5 times better than this shit, like ISD project, Fly tampa Boston, LLBG available at avsim and we don't pay for them so i won't never buy another 1 credit muchless 3 serials! It deserves a cracking time. Someone!?
Hello, each serial posted in here will no longer work in the next version than the one it was valid for. After install v1.30 we get the usual error... blablabla, and we will also have to insert 3 valid serials to get AES 1.30 back to work or else reinstall v1.20 and still works. I won't never buy another 1 credit muchless 3 serials for this shit, yes SHIT! It deserves a cracking time. Someone!?
i have 30 credits (bought by friends and me at aerosoft) and will share them. 10 for 10, 20 for 20 and 30 for 30. mail to
Yep... it seems, that trading S#'s like baseball cards is a good solution at this point. Feel free to contact me, too! :D

Maybe some day one of us can figure out the generating pattern, and produce these things.

BUT: Please don't publish it here for everyone to see, 'cause one can never know, who's reading it! ;)
i sent my code to klaasi70, and what do u think dudes, no answer, no fucking codes back. next time, no fucking way. i have 4 codes, want to share, contact me.
Hi again,

yes... klaasi70 is not responding... What a fraud! >:(

But I have something for you. :D
If you got a serial, that goes like this:

AES-171-xxxxx-[N]xxxx-xxxxx, can create a new one by replacing the "N" by a "3" and vice versa:


This also works with:
AES-171-xxxxx-[10]-... AES-171-xxxxx-[40]-... up to
AES-171-xxxxx-[12]-... AES-171-xxxxx-[42]-...

Enjoy! :)


PS: THX to all you guys, who shared their #'s. PPS: {AES-85,5-X4381-5022-13058} x2 = a little present. ;)
Charonb: huh? I followed your last equation (pre-version1.21) which worked like a charm. This one has me confused. I have a serial as noted in the first part, but what does "vice-versa" mean? Additionally, the equations you list after that (i.e., -[10]-, -[12]-, -[40]-, -[42]-) leave me confused as well. Where do those numbers plug into? And finally, the "gift" serial you listed (thank you very much) doesn't seem to work as the format is undecipherable. Any hints about what you mean by "x2" and the comma (,) used? Wish I could follow you on this one as your equation some months ago came in very handy. Thanks again for all your mathematcial prowess!
Hi again,

1. "vice versa" means "and the other way round". So, if you have a "3", you can replace it with an "N". It works both ways... Next time, try to use the wisdom of the internet. There is an invention called "search engine", ya know... like "google"!?

2. The second set of equations was corrupted by piratebay. Originally it should say, that if your second block of numbers (the "171"-Block not counted) begins with 10, 11 or 12, you can replace it by 40, 41 or 42, the gain will be a new serial.

3. If you understand Point 2, the code I granted at the end, will provide not only one, but two S#'s. (BTW: It is NOT a #, that someone shared with me. So don't worry, people! :) Think logical... What could " { ... } x2 " mean? And could it be important, that 85,5 is the half of 171?? I dunno! Find it out for yourself. I'm going to bed now.

Happy Easter everybody,

First off let me say two things: first, that you're a genius, and second, this little "puzzle" was fantastic. Thanks very much for taking the time to explain a bit further.

I also want to say that I didn't mean any disrespect with my last post. A few things had me confused, but now they're completely cleared up. You gave me the hints I needed to snag some AES serials. :)

A couple of responses to your points:

1. As regards the term, "vice-versa", I naturally knew what that meant. However, I interpreted the "N" in your equation as representing "any given number" and not, literally, the letter "N". :) Sorry about that.

2. Ah, understood. Yes, TPB corrupted the appearance of the equations, but they're completely cleared up.

3. Oops! My major mistake. I was thinking like an American. We don't use the "comma" when as a decimal place, so this was my ignorance. I thought that perhaps the "comma" was a typo. Thus I didn't read "85,5" as "85.5", but saw the "," as literal. Again, I apologize for being too provincial in these matters. :) And, yes, I agree. The latter equation does, indeed, provide two serials.

Thanks again for all this help. I totally appreciate your work, dude. Literally fantastic and the "puzzle" of sorts was a treat. Next time (I hope there is a next time!), I'll be a bit smarter!

You have a Happy Easter, too.
Me was a little provincial too. Sorry from me! :)
Here's another Easter Egg hunt: (X2803+1/3)-(N2728)-(9353+1/3)

Greetz, charonB
Sorry, mistake! Should be (X2803+1/3)-(N2728)-(8353+1/3)
I have a little problem with the serial.
Can you give me one hint ???
Is it the same like (X2803+0.3333333333) .... ???
But this serial doesn't work!
The corrected one should work (twice), if you find the right factor (Yeah, it's that, what you think!) and multiply all three blocks (!) with it. Not only the first and the last one! And don't forget the prefix (AES-...) If that still doesn't work , contact me via personal message. :/
Ah! Worked at the Easter Egg hunt for a while last evening, but was working with the old number (i.e., 9353). It was driving me crazy. :) Funny, I even applied the proper 'factor' to those generated numbers, including the 2nd block. Glad to see the new number (8353) or my hair was going to start falling out!

Just giving it a shot now with the new number (8353). I know what the proper factor is to use on all three blocks (of course!), but I'm still missing something regarding the 1st and 3rd block "thirds" to add to each.

I've experimented with serials built in the following ways:

AES-171-([X2803 + (2803 ÷ 0.33)]-N2728-[8353 + (8353 ÷ 0.33)])*secretfactor


AES-171-[(X2803 + 0.33)-N2728-(8353 + 0.33)]*secretfactor

... but that hasn't worked so far. I'm not completely stumped yet, but it's tricky. :) Please DON'T give me the solution; I want to figure it out. But perhaps a very, very, very TINY bit of information might carry it over. I have a feeling you'll see the error in my own equations above immediately.

But wait! If the only "hint" you can give will completely give the solution away, don't give it out yet! I've liked the challenge so far, and it's a good feeling to see when an AES serial is accepted into the program. It feels like a big mystery has been solved. :) Also, I definitely see how this 'puzzle' will lead to TWO serials. Can't wait to figure them out!

Okay, no more talk. I'm going to back to my abacus. Hehe.
"I have a feeling you'll see the error in my own equations above immediately."
My hint: There is no mistake - at least not on in both of your guesses. ... ;) It should work!
Please give me a working serial to eastern...

Can Anyone send me AES Credits please.
I will by some Serials next month and change my Credits too.

Thx to all for the great work here !!!

Whoa... now my noodle is really cooked. :)

Are you saying that either of my last two equations will generate valid serials? That would mean 4 serials could be produced since each equation could produce 2 separate serials.

Maybe my equations aren't well written enough, because you'll notice that each of them produce completely *different* serial codes.

In short, the first one -divides- the first block by 1/3 and then adds the sum to the original block, and the second simply adds a flat value of ".33" to the first block.

From my point of view, at least ONE of my equations -must- be incorrect. Could you at least tell me which one is wrong? (unless, again, both are valid and then I could produce 4 serials) I don't want any more hints, though. :)

Goddamit, I love this puzzle!
Happy Eastern
charonB: Much obliged. All is well now as I had a single problem with the equation. Thank you VERY MUCH for your help and the great puzzle!
@frikadelle: Man...! Look into your goddamn mailbox!!! >:(

@all: Happy Past-Easter-Time. I heard, that v1.50 will be released very soon. So let's hope for the best. :)
OK, v1.50 is released!
None of my S#'s were blacklisted! This is the good news. The bad news: The "doubling" doesn't work anymore. Your Credits will be reduced. :(
That is, why I give you three more good news (a little coded again, of course) ;)
A__ - 19 - X944.000 - 2995.333 - 2813.111
A__ - 19 - X941.333 - 2465.333 - 2805.111
A__ - 19 - X945.777 - 3335.333 - 2818.444

(Hint: The "19" is the Key. And ".333" means ".3333333....", of course!)

Enjoy, charonB

I just want to say that....

I love you, man. :) You're a genius, dammit!
I Dont get it!! please someone help me! I'm an idiot regarding maths!

help me please, i just love AES!!

thanks friends!,


PM's are out. xD
Good Night and Happy Weekend everybody!
charon please PM me, i wanna fly with AES but i cant undastood what u has secret serials :(
HI,charonB, i can't understnad, can u pm the serial to me?
can u pm the serial to me?Thanks a million times!

Everyone, happy Landing
Please, if you want PM, send me a request-PM.
Don't fill up this thread with your requests!
version 1.60 is out...anyone?
AES v1.60 will be released today. It is not available yet. Let's hope, that nothing is blacklisted...!
I can't receive PM's anymore... anyone the same problem?!?
Greetz, charonB
Yes, i also can't receive pm's. i can't also see my pm's...
As soon as the PM-system is reactivated, feel free to contact me about... certain issues... (you know what! ;) )
Well, I'm afraid that many are blacklisted, and you need to have 4 new serials to let AES run normally again now :
Well, they only blacklisted the numbers, that were posted here in the board. I won't do that again, because the result is a little annoying.
Just Personal Messages from now on! I hope, PB reactativates the feature soon, so I can give you your medicine. :D

Hehe, if possible, can you email them?

Yeah, I confirm that the last three generated serials (the ones using the "19" key, so to speak) were blacklisted in v1.60. Additionally, 1.60 deletes the serials from the Credits list, but still consistently posts a dialog box saying that you have "Illigal Serialnumber detacted" (their misspelling, not mine).

Additionally, there is another problem. AES simply ceases to function entirely as a result of its detection of "illegal" serials, so it doesn't matter if you have any "legitimate" serials left over since the entire AES system

It's a drag, yes, but luckily I tested it on a separate machine (so I still have my main FS9 machine with v1.5 working well). You should note that uninstalling and reinstalling AES (including removing the installation folder) doesn't help. You still get the "Illegal Serial Detected" message and AES doesn't function. A cursory search of the registry doesn't show anything to do with AES serials either.

As always, looking forward to your thoughts on this, my wise friend. :)
Hi again all,

well... don't worry too much about the technical aspects of the problem... that's my part, and I did my part well, hehe! :D
What is important: Do you see a way of sending you a PM in a private way without showing my eMail-Adress?
I mean: A private anonymous message from person to person alternatively to P'Bay. Because - maybe the PM-System her won't come back! :(
I have the problem, too. I need four new serialz :(

I have working but I need new! If you will chance serials contact me: Thx!

Do you already have working serials for AES 1.60?
OK then, CharonB. :p

Please send me those serials for aes 1.60! :)


Greets again. :)

If possible, drop me a message at britneysorifice[at]gmail[dot]com .

I'm hoping you include instructions on how to override the error messages which prevent AES from working once "illegal" serials have been found. Thanks again for any info, my friend!
Hey send me some, too plz!

leopolt.wagner its only a fake name! not my real!
charonB, could you please resend the mail youve sent me? I've pushed on the wrong link. Ant there have to be 4 serials to unlock AES again....
Please send me the keys to Thanks.

i will appriciate your help one more time. i have the same problem like others. my new mail is:

thank you!
Please send me a few keys to Thanks.

Would u please send them to
And do i have to uninstall 1.5 or can i just use these serails to unlock the illegal version message?

Hello everybody,
first, let me send out an extra great THX to trezeck. You're a big big hero! I hope you know that.
Second: Now, after he provided you with the best cure there is, it is my part to feed you the right nutrition, which I did for the followings chaps:
sve92fs, xaver.cox, leop4rdo19, britneysorifice, justusmegens, leopolt.wagner, mysinmax, trezeck, zivi, sushi.ushi, freak_445, skipperpl, otkap, hdrakan, tbola
But be careful! The Message is readable only TWO times. After that, it will self-destruct! Hehe! :D
Greetz & Enjoy,
Guys, you're the best there are. you're incredible.

thanks many times.


hi charonB!

so the new version is out, and once again we got some problems to make it work. u, i really wanted to send u a message and warn u before, couse i got a message from someone, the message is still in my PM, but as u know, we cann't use it at the moment, so, that dude wanted to share codes, and he wrote what he, has 11 codes, here is the question: why someone who has 11 codes need more ones, when 11 workable codes are already onboard and it's more then anough. i still think aerosoft wanted to deceive me. he got nada, nothing.
bth: i have all versions from 1,20 to 1,60, so if someone need it, wright me.

will be glad to get workable codes for ver1,60


me too...please some codes to
Ah sorry...disregard...don't send them to!!!!!
Ah not send them to!!!!
Please send them to ... thanks in advance!
Ah Ben,
you're the guy, who uses voice changer, right? NO adresses without Login/Password, dweep! >:(
charonB, please send me to

thanks a lot ;)
Sorry, type-o... I meant: "dweeb"! ;)
The first one was without pass/login...after I posted the first message/email I noticed my stupid error and I do now use the second one which has a password.
Ah alright, that stupid Page redirected me to xyz@spambog.COM. Sorry! ;)
Haha, you fell for it, too! :D :D I sent to ~.DE now! ;)
@Zivi: Sent, too!

Well, once again, thank you VERY much.

I miss the great "puzzles", though! (but, apparently, the Aerosoft spies liked them, too!)

You da' man!
- ... just a litte artwork to show, how much I enjoy that clean fresh state of the tool after all that time and all the pain! :D -
Hi charon,

Yeah right... sorry for the inconvenience. :/ You'll have to write them down or make a screenshot!

Hi CharonB,

when sending credits you can include me in your mailing list ;-)

Thanks in advance
thanks a lot CharonB. I've received it ;)

thank you!
Me too, please resend it to stupid Q§$%&&/ thing deleted your message before I was able to copy the content ;-(.
Hey aerosoft !

Everyone Do not upgrade your AES to 1.6 , they made some serious protection there.
Waddaya mean?
Hi Charon;) can you send me
some credits to thanks:)
Would love some medicin. Could u plz send to

Thx all for your hard work and all the time u put in to this.

Hey charonB,

my mail:

thanks in advance!!

thank you~
please send to

Hy charonB

Can you send serials to my mail address too:

Hi Charon,

Please add me to yer ever growing list!!

Many thanks matey!!

Some medicine please to

Thanks in advance.
Hi charonB,

Could you please send me the serial for v1.60 as well?

Thank you very much!

Hi CharonB!. Please send me aes 1.6 serials. Or 1.5 or both :). Thanks alot :
@Fortkas: Use the tutorial, that terzeck has posted in the comments earlier (Page 2 or 3) to clean the AES-Memory!
Hi charonB,

can you send me please your serials too ??

thx !!
Your the best ;o)
Hey CharonB!

I want to fly with AES16 too.
Please send me some medicine.

Thx a lot.
Hi charonB

please could you send me some 1.6 serials


Hi charonB!
Could you send me serials for AES 1.6?;)
Thanx for your help:)

Hi charonB,

could you please send me something for 1.6 to ?


Hy CharonB,

could you send me some serial for 1.60 to

Thanks in advance
please send to


could you pls send me some SNs for AES 1.6?

thanks in advance
PLz I am in need of some serials for 1.6
plz charonB send some to me or if someone else already has them u could do me the favour!!!!!!!
Thnx a lot
PLz I am in need of some serials for 1.6
plz charonB send some to me or if someone else already has them u could do me the favour!!!!!!!
Thnx a lot
my e-mail:
Hi: Charon

Could you please send me the serial for v1.60 as well? "

very thx^^

I would be very grateful if someone (Charon;) sends me 1.6 serial. My mail is
Thanks in advance!
I'd like some medicine too.

very thx for your mail ^^
Hi charonB!

Could you send me serials for AES 1.6?;)

Thanx for your help:)

Hi charonB!

Could you send me serials for AES 1.6?;)

Thanx for your help:)


And sorry because of the two comment:D:D
Charon, thank you very much for sharing :)
Send me your key buddy
Hi Charon

Could I please also get some serials for V1.6

if its possible and if someone is nice enough can u plz email me AES 1.6 serials at I'll be thankful to you!
Please send goodies to Many, many thanks!
CharonB, thank you very much for sharing
OK then, CharonB. :p

Please send me those serials for aes 1.60! :)

Many Thanx!

OK then, CharonB. :p
Please send me those serials for aes 1.60! :)

Many Thanx!

CharonB, you are the man. I couldn't print fast enough (auth to a net printer from my laptop, can't be browsing PB on a work machine!) can you resend?
Oh, that was, I'll be ready this time. That exploding email sure is some cool shit, though.
Very-very thanks for yor mail charonB. You're the best;);)
Hi Charon,

Can you send me the serial of AES 1.6 ?

Thanks a lot Charon.
I would really appreciate any new serial for 1.6

I liked your riddles !
NICE WORK CharonB !!!

THX ;o)
yah, what up, i got a serial, ill share it with charonB only if u can msg me
@ charonB
ive been a longtime lurker on this site and wwas hoping you may be able to send the aes 1.6 serials to thx!
Somehow I managed to delete the self-destructible message :(

Please resend if possible.
could you plz send a serial for 1.6 to me
Could you please send me your key? Thankyou very much.....
thanks in advance
hook me up with 3 1.6 serials, and ill give you the one i payed for....
please send your AES Serials to:

THX to ALL for your work !!!
It would be real nice to get the AES 1.6 serials,
great work Charon !
Pleaaaaase send me the serials too!! I really want to have the AES 1.6 working!! Big thanks!!
Thank you so much Charon!! Fast reply and it works great!! Nicely done!!
hey charon can you send me a serial numer for aes V1.6

many thanks
please, please... could someone pls send me the aes 1.60 serials. thank you so much in advance.
hi charon b,
can you send me aes 1.60 serials,
many thanks.
my email:
Can some one plez send me a key or 2 for 1.6 Plezzz im dyin to play thiz game, LOL
Could you please send me your key? Thankyou very much.....

thank you very much, you are the best.
Hey Charon,

Could i plz have the keys for 1.60 or 1.50 preferably 1.60 :D

Thanks In Advance
My email btw is

:D Many Thanks
Can anyone send me too serial for 1.6??
I'd be very grateful.
Tahnks in advance.
Hi Charon! I have tried to get my hands on 1.6 serials for a while with no luck.

Can you please hook me up with some? Your time and help is very much appreciated!
Hi Charon!
Sorry for that, but your previous letter was destroyed before I read it. Can you send it again?? Please.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much for sharing Charon!
Don't forget me please!!!
i'd like some credits and a trick to manipulate the code for morte credits if needed.
hey CharonB you're the best
Thx a lot, quick and full working
thx again
Very huge thank you, U R God!! :))
Hi fellow simmers, I get an error message on AES 1.6 "You have used illegal serial numbers in the past"

I have used 8 serials in the past and now i have only 7. AES will not work unless i have 8 :(

Is there a file that i have to delete before reinstalling the new version?

Please help! Thank you
Read Page 3, last comment (Trezeck)
Greetz, charonB
Hi charonB,
could you send me four serials? PLEASE...
my email thx in advance
Hey, charonB.

GREAT! People like U are the kings of torrent network.

my mail is

bye, bye
@ page 3, last post...

can you re-use your (working, of course) keys for choosing new airports this way. So if I spend 10 serials already and do your procedure, may I can use them again?

thx and ciao
@vilkom2: In one word: Yes. :)
HI please send me the serial for aes 1.6.1 to my e-mail adress

Hi can you please send again a e-mail to for the serial for aes 1.6.1 to me please because i delet yout e-mail.

Hello, could you send me a few serials numbers for AES.v1.60? Thank you very much. Best regards.

Thank you again
Hey charonB, tragic thing happeed, but i put it in short terms, Virus+computer=losing all of my files, can u send me the serials again to 1.6 Plezzz thanks ill greatly appreciate it.
Soory opps
You know what i jst remember the emali u sent me, nd remembered i could open it 2wice nd there are the serials, LOL Thanks Alot
Hi Charon, could you please send me some serials for v1.6 (plz as much as possible;)


Hi, Can you send me any serials for AES 1.60 to my mail . thx a lot
Charon, would be appreciated ;o)
btw. is it just me or dont PMs work anymore?
Please send me two keys to

At these days I had some e-mails from you...So I write down my anwswer Here...Sorry but I cant send you that serials...:S...sorry

What are you talking about, Kryka??
Can you please email 8 valid serials for version 1.6 PLEASE.
my email address is
Thank You
At first, use the Tutorial by Trezeck (Page 3), the you don't need 8 Serials anymore! ;)
Hi charonB

please cuold you send me some serials for AES ?

Thanks a lot

SteveC737 (
Could send some love my way?
Hello everybody!
If you wanna install AES v1.70, that came out today - be careful! Anything can happen, because the developer, Mr. Pabst is really pissed off by our little chit-chat here. ;)
Most important: Lobotomize AES by using the tutorial on page 3.
Second: A Firewall should be set.
If possible Try the new version on a backup-PC.

@Mr. Pabst: Don't be too cruel! All the little pirates here are simply too poor to spend the money, but they DO love your work! And there are thousands, who can AND do pay for it, aren't they? ;)
@all: As far, as I see, I see green! :) Have Fun! And if you like it - buy it!!
Hallo Charon, My English is not so good.

Tell me, I use AES 1.60 if I install Version 1.70 are there any faults or viruses on my system or is everything normally? You've sent me some serialz 1month ago. Are there working? And do you have new one? Plz send them to

thx a lot
Hallo all,
please send me new serials for AES 1.70 please.
thx to all for the work !!!! ;o)
Mr. Pabst is not a bad guy - I suppose, he would never infect your system. As said - I see no reason, why you shouldn't upgrade. But I don't give any guarantee! :)
@Baster: You don't need more!
wow all serials are fine working with 1.7 GREAD! Thx charonB!
Hi Charon,

do you have one or two new serials for me?
Please sent to jetman(at)
